Women are Psychotic & Men are Retarted

How to respect our differences and preserve relationships

85 Reviews

In this book, you’ll learn how to decode the mystery behind what makes men do the things they do and why women talk so much!!!

We live in a world of technology that allows us to plan and access practically anything, but the one thing it can’t touch are genetic differences between men and women.  Would we really want that? Or do we really want a quicker understanding of how to navigate through those differences? If you knew five years ago or even last year, what you know today, what would that have saved you? Money… Time… your one true love or perhaps your marriage!

Men and woman are perfect "as is"

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Women are Psychotic & Men are Retarted

Men, you’ll understand why you’ve been replaced by your eight- pound replica and why you don’t get any attention anymore.

Latest Podcast Episodes

Married to Busy to Reimaging the face of medicine

In this episode, we host Dr. Clemons who is offers concierge pediatric medicine services to patients in Orange County, CA. After residency she completed a fellowship in multicultural health. Non-traditional medical experiences include appearing on "The Oprah Winfrey show", "Its a Miracle", interviews with Dr. Drew and ABC evening news, and writing articles in First for Women magazine.

Meet the Author

The book will not only make you laugh at times, but will also leave you better equipped to handle the nuances between the sexes when you encounter them in real life. You’ll be amazed.

Dr. Clemons, is a seasoned pediatrician who wrote this book after she experienced the uncontrollable effects of motherhood,  which temporarily overpowered her and transformed her into someone unrecognizable.  As she grew as a mother, she broke the code and finally understood how to enjoy healthier, more satisfying ,and less stressful relationships. 

R. Renee Clemons, MD FAAP

Men and Women are perfect "as is"

The best part is, not only do you learn why the sexes are different,but you learn tips on how to celebrate and appreciate the differences and no longer fear or fret the unknown.



